Exhibition 2022
3 Days - mid NSW School Holidays
September 30, October 1, October 2
Montague Room Club Narooma
The Brief​
Theme - Open
•Print Size - min 8x12 up to A2
•To be exhibited on Display Panels
•Submit in Mount Boards or
Framed Prints: (any size, within reason!)
Canvases / Woodprints / Metals / Acrylics
There may be an option for a digital display as an addition to physical work - TBC
We are encouraging sales of cards
Financial Members Only can submit photos.
Submit Photographs at Club Narooma on TBA
Collect unsold Photographs between TBA from Club Narooma, or if you are unable contact the club to get your photos kept till our next meeting.
You may submit and offer for sale if you wish up to 6 Photographs.
Cards or small prints can be sold. You must supply your own display stands/box. Notify TBA prior to event if you are going to do this.
Photographs must be matted and Velcro tabbed or framed ready to hang. No Plastic sleeves please.
The Photographs will be displayed by those who are on set up duty and depending on available space.
Please complete the form below