2024 Topics
FEBRUARY - RED - Your image should either be predominately Red or the main element hero of the shot should be red.
MARCH - LEADING LINES - Your image should include human-made or natural lines which lead the viewers eyes through the photograph to the subject or the heart of the image.
APRIL - ELDERLY/AGED - Your image should depict either an elderly person or an indication/aspect of an elderly person or an indication of ageing/decay in nature or human made objects.
MAY - FUN CHALLENGE MONTH - Activity to be advised
JUNE - LONG EXPOSURE - Your image should be a result of using a long-duration shutter speed to sharply capture the stationary elements of the image while blurring the movement elements.
JULY - MONOCHROME - Your image should be composed of the different shades or variations of one colour. For example black and white, sepia and cyanotype are considered monochromatic.
AUGUST - FOOD - Food or drinks need to be the focus or main elements of your image.
SEPTEMBER - FUN CHALLENGE MONTH - Activity to be advised
OCTOBER - SHOOTING UPWARDS - Your image should be taken from below your subject looking upward. This can include subjects close to the camera, for example a tree or far away from the camera, for example the night sky.
NOVEMBER - SPORTING - Sport Photography is the capture of sports, games or exercises. It can cover amateur or professional activities and could possibly include the capture of the emotion fin the game or competition.
DECEMBER - IMAGE OF THE YEAR - Your of the Year - selected from your previously submitted entries during 2024.
Please note: Competition Rules regarding qualifying images are - entries must be submitted by November 30th 2024